Selection Policy
Copyright Laws
Rockvale Middle School and media center adhere to the Rutherford County Schools directives on copyright laws. Refer to the Rutherford County Teacher Handbook for further details-Policy 4.404
The Copyright Laws are laws and are enforced and if broken are subject to prosecution. With the onset of the information age, Copyright Laws are being observed and enforced more closely than ever. It is of utmost importance that you read and understand guidelines for use of copyrighted materials.
Copyright Guidelines The showing of movies or television must meet all four guidelines.
1- Face-to-Face instructional teaching activity: Does the work support the curriculum? Is the showing of the work in the teacher’s lesson plan?
2- Legally acquired: Is the copy pirated? Was it purchased with public performance rights? Does your school own a public performance license?
3- Presented by instructors or students: Only students or teachers may show video.
4- Shown in class situation: Is the work being shown during school hours?
Fair Use Guidelines Fair use guidelines allow you to use a portion of the copyrighted work if your use meets all four of these guidelines.
1- The character of the use: Did you add new meaning or value to the work?
2- The nature of the work: Is the work published or unpublished? Is it factual or creative?
3- The amount used: Are you using a little, a lot, or the whole work? The more you use the more likely you are not using fair use guidelines.
4- The effect of the use on the market: What would happen if everyone did what you did? Would it have an effect on the sales of the original work?
Rockvale Middle School has a current contract/performance license with Movie Performance Licensing U.S.A.
Refer to several of the links on the media center’s website for help with copyright rules and projects on the Internet.
The Copyright Laws are laws and are enforced and if broken are subject to prosecution. With the onset of the information age, Copyright Laws are being observed and enforced more closely than ever. It is of utmost importance that you read and understand guidelines for use of copyrighted materials.
Copyright Guidelines The showing of movies or television must meet all four guidelines.
1- Face-to-Face instructional teaching activity: Does the work support the curriculum? Is the showing of the work in the teacher’s lesson plan?
2- Legally acquired: Is the copy pirated? Was it purchased with public performance rights? Does your school own a public performance license?
3- Presented by instructors or students: Only students or teachers may show video.
4- Shown in class situation: Is the work being shown during school hours?
Fair Use Guidelines Fair use guidelines allow you to use a portion of the copyrighted work if your use meets all four of these guidelines.
1- The character of the use: Did you add new meaning or value to the work?
2- The nature of the work: Is the work published or unpublished? Is it factual or creative?
3- The amount used: Are you using a little, a lot, or the whole work? The more you use the more likely you are not using fair use guidelines.
4- The effect of the use on the market: What would happen if everyone did what you did? Would it have an effect on the sales of the original work?
Rockvale Middle School has a current contract/performance license with Movie Performance Licensing U.S.A.
Refer to several of the links on the media center’s website for help with copyright rules and projects on the Internet.
Selection Policy
Materials are selected to serve the breadth of the curriculum and the needs and specific interests of our students with individual learning styles. The Rockvale Middle School Library Media Center provides a wide range of materials on all levels of difficulty, in a variety of formats, and with diversity of appeal. To a lesser extent, general materials on teaching are collected.
The day-to-day operation of the Rockvale Middle School Library Media Center is the responsibility of the media specialist, who coordinates, selects and purchases all materials. While extensive help and advice is sought from administrators, teachers, library assistants, students, parents and others affiliated with school library, final responsibility for the selection of all materials lies with the media specialist.
Selection Criteria: There are general selection criteria, which apply to all library media materials. Rockvale Middle School adheres to the Rutherford County Board of Education’s policy regarding selection of materials as well as reconsiderations of instructional materials and textbooks.
Selection process: Requests and suggestions are sought from staff, parents, students and other members of the Rockvale Middle School community. Concurrently, reviews are pulled from the literature of professional organizations and other reviewing sources recognized for their expertise. The removal of materials no longer appropriate and the replacement of lost and worn materials still of educational value is part of the selection process.
The day-to-day operation of the Rockvale Middle School Library Media Center is the responsibility of the media specialist, who coordinates, selects and purchases all materials. While extensive help and advice is sought from administrators, teachers, library assistants, students, parents and others affiliated with school library, final responsibility for the selection of all materials lies with the media specialist.
Selection Criteria: There are general selection criteria, which apply to all library media materials. Rockvale Middle School adheres to the Rutherford County Board of Education’s policy regarding selection of materials as well as reconsiderations of instructional materials and textbooks.
Selection process: Requests and suggestions are sought from staff, parents, students and other members of the Rockvale Middle School community. Concurrently, reviews are pulled from the literature of professional organizations and other reviewing sources recognized for their expertise. The removal of materials no longer appropriate and the replacement of lost and worn materials still of educational value is part of the selection process.