Introduction to Coding

Course Logo created by Trey Owen (8th grade student)

COURSE DESCRIPTION                                           

Computer Science develops computational and critical thinking skills and shows students how to create, not simply use, new technologies. In Introduction to Coding, students will develop standard coding techniques and learn the tools and methods typically used by programmers to create simple computer applications. Students will demonstrate proficiency by converting detailed information into coded instructions in a computer language; and will be able to troubleshoot/debug programs to ensure their proper execution. Students will create game design and web page design projects.








Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.
~Steve Jobs


9 Weeks Schedule
2018 - 2019


1st Quarter
8/8 - 9/27

2nd Quarter
10/8- 12/20

3rd Quarter
1/8 - 3/7

4th Quarter

3/8- 5/29