Beta Club
I hereby declare that I shall always strive
To be honest and truthful at all times
To maintain a creditable scholastic record
To be of service to my teachers and fellows
To conduct myself in an ethical and moral manner
To reflect credit upon my school and community.
Beta Club Purpose
The purpose of the National Jr. Beta Club is
to encourage effort, to reward merit,
and to promote the qualities of character
that make for good citizenship.
***Please visit the "events" page for details on upcoming meetings***
Please listen to the morning announcements for news, events, or upcoming meetings!!!
Membership requirements to join are as follows:
q Grades: 90 average of ALL classes (including exploratory)
q No D’s or F’s
q No Office Referrals
q 2 core class teacher signatures (that they will complete a recommendation form online)
q 1 exploratory teacher signature. (that they will complete a recommendation form online)
q Attach a Skyward Print out that shows 1st Quarter Class Grades with year average (does not need to show individual assignments)
q Parent Signature and County Permission form to participate in a club.
Is there a fee for Beta Club?
q $40 fee ($24 National Fee, $16 RMS Club Fee) To be paid after acceptance
If you feel you meet the requirements to join Beta and wish to apply for membership, please complete the information on the back of this page. Attach any other required forms and return to your grade level sponsor:
6th Grade: Mrs. Borras (Room 604)
7th Grade: Mrs. Redmon (Room706)
8th Grade: Mrs. Scully (Room 807)