Counselor's Corner » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some questions frequently asked by parents.
Q: Does your school offer tutoring?
A: We do not have a school-based tutoring service, but we do have time built into the school day to help students who may be struggling with understanding the current work in their classes. Remediation and Enrichment (R&E) provides teachers with time to work with students in small groups. Students are invited to approach teachers and ask to attend R&E. R&E occurs during 8th period. When they do so, teachers will schedule time to help them. Students may also find assistance from friends or classmates outside of school hours. Please encourage them to seek assistance from teachers and friends. There are several tutoring services in Rutherford County and we encourage parents who are interested to contact them and see if they are right for their needs. We cannot endorse, recommend, or steer our parents to or away from any particular tutoring service. The same applies to individuals who offer tutoring services.
Q: My child is failing! What can we do?
A: Parents whose students are failing a class are encouraged to reach out to the appropriate teacher. Low grades are most often a result of missing work. Parents are given tools to monitor students' grades and teachers are able to help parents make the best use those resources. If students are failing, despite being current in their work, teachers are able to discuss other factors, such as low test scores and difficulty understanding the material, that may contribute to their grades. We are always willing to help with those conversations and attend meetings with parents, students, and teachers as needed.
Q: What do I do if I think my child is being bullied?
A: It is best to notify a teacher or one of the counselors if your believe your child is being bullied. Please provide us with as many details as possible (e.g. names of other students involved, times and locations where it may occur, and the nature of what is happening). Please encourage your child to speak with someone at school if they have not yet done so as we will need their input. We take reports of bullying seriously and work with parents, students, teachers, and administrators to prevent and stop it when it is reported.
Q: Who is my child's counselor?
A: Mrs. Patterson is the assigned counselor for 6th grade students, Mr. Adair is the 7th grade counselor, and Mrs. Cleghorne is the 8th grade counselor. We understand that there are occasions when a student may feel more comfortable with one counselor and, therefore, allow students to speak to the counselor with whom they are most comfortable.
Q: Is my child allowed allowed to speak with his/her counselor? I was told they can't leave class.
A: Students are allowed to ask to see a school counselor. Because of the nature of our work, we ask that students request to see us. We also request this because we want our teachers to know where their students are. We do our best to see students as close to the time of their request as possible. 
Q: Will you tell me when you speak with my child?
A: When parents ask us to speak with their students, we make an effort to notify them after we have contacted the student. The conversations we have with students are confidential and, therefore, we keep them private. There are circumstances that require us to notify parents or other appropriate persons. These include any disclosure of self-harm, suicidal thoughts, attempts, or threats, and disclosures that lead us to have concern for a student's safety.
Below are some questions frequently asked by students.
Q: Will you please change my schedule? I don't know anyone in my mini school.
A: No.
Q: May I please call home? I'm having a bad day!
A: Let's talk about what is happening and see if we can find a way to help you feel better. Most people have bad days but we can usually find some good moments even on the worst of days.
Q: Where is Guidance?
A: We are in the 200 Hallway. Just look for the blue canopy that has "Guidance" printed on it.
Q: Do I have to be in PE?
A: Yes.
Q: Will you please change my Exploratory class?
A: No.
Q: Can I come to Guidance during R&E?
A: No.
Q: Are you going to tell my parents what I say?
A: Our conversations with students are private. Without trusting our ability to maintain confidentiality, students may be unwilling to have discussions that will help them. We take our students' need for privacy and confidentiality seriously and we do not disclose what students tell us, with the following exceptions: a student discloses self-harm, suicidal thoughts, plans, or attempts, or a student discloses information that causes us to have concern for his/her well-being.