Students » Rockvale Middle School Distance Learning Information

Rockvale Middle School Distance Learning Information

Attendance Procedures for Distance Learners

Please make sure you are logging in to Jupiter each school day (Monday through Friday).You will also need to click on each class daily to review the assignments and instruction (FOR EACH CLASS) to be counted as "present" for each class period.

If you have any questions about your attendance record, please contact the teacher.

Ex: Tony Stark is an 8th grade student at RMS and has the following classes:

Each school day (Monday through Friday), Tony will need to login to Jupiter and click on each class subject and review his assignment/instruction to be counted as present.

Tony logged into Jupiter on Monday, September 14th and reviewed assignments for Math and ELA, but did not click on any other subjects to review his assignments.
Tony will be counted as present for his Math and ELA class for that day.
Tony will be counted as absent for his Keyboarding, Science, SS, Writing classes that day.

Parents and students can view attendance in Jupiter by clicking on the Attendance menu in Jupiter. This information can be viewed in both the parent or student Jupiter account.

If you are a parent and have not set up a Jupiter account, please contact your child's homeroom teacher and they can send you the login information.
Tech Helpline

Rutherford County Schools will offer instructional technology support from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day beginning Friday, Sept. 11, for those distance-learning families needing assistance. 

Parents and students who are in need of immediate assistance can reach two of Rutherford County’s instructional technology specialists and a district technician (who will be able to help with troubleshooting with any district-issued device) by calling:  615-893-5815 and then use either extension 22196 or 22197.
**Please note that Jupiter Grades is a school-specific program and if you have issues with Jupiter, please contact your teacher at Rockvale Middle School. You would also still need to call the school if you have forgotten your computer password or your computer password does not work.

For tips using resources below and troubleshooting tips: RMS Website>STUDENTS>Student Links and Resources.
Jupiter Grades:  
RMS Purpose: Student assignment information, grades, and ability to message teacher.                
      • It is the main resource used by RMS. If you need login information, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.
      • How to access:  Visit RMS Webpage> STUDENTS>Jupiter Grades
      • Quick tutorial on how to enter the Jupiter login information below can also be found under STUDENTS or PARENTS menu.
      •  If you hear your child use the term “Juno test” or “Juno pod” – that is Jupiter Grades built-in lesson/assessment feature.
      • There is no phone/tablet app for Jupiter. If you see one, it is for another company. However, students can pull up. Jupiter Grades on their phone using their web browser and create a shortcut on their screen to the site.

Zoom:       Video conferencing/live streaming program.


        • Zoom links will be available to students through Jupiter Grades. Quick tutorial on how to find it is available on the student resource page.
        • YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DOWNLOAD Zoom on your computer. You can choose to JOIN USING BROWSER. 
        • If your teacher uses Microsoft TEAMS video conferencing, they will also send the video link and instruction in Jupiter. If asked, it is also not necessary to download this program  to join. Students can join meeting through browser.


Clever:     This is just a “spot” that houses the most common RCS programs in one place.


Office 365:    Office 365 is the online version Microsoft Office Suite of Word, PowerPoint, Sway, Excel, etc.

    • Each student has the option to download 5 free installations of Office 365 on personal devices (instructions on the Student Resource Page in the Office 365/One Drive section).
    • This is already installed on the RMS student devices. (Similar to “Google Docs”)


One Drive: Microsoft Office cloud storage (similar to “Google Drive”). Instructions on the Student Resource Page in the Office 365/One Drive section.

Skyward: RCS program for student registration and also location of student attendance. How to access: Skyward link is located at the top of every
RCS webpage. If you do not have an account, please contact the main office for login/registration information.

Amplify:  ELA resource. How to access:  (Choose login with Clever).    

Items that need student to use child’s school computer username: (If you have misplaced or did not receive this information, it can be obtained by your child’s homeroom teacher. Password should be the same as their library/lunch number).

    • Student Laptop checkout out from school
    • Clever (but anytime you see a Microsoft sign-in box, enter the username in email format) i.e. Tony Stark’s computer username is tstart1234, but his username in email format is: (most login issues are due to mis-typings in the bold areas)
    • Kiddom should not require a username/password. It should automatically log student in -if it does not, contact your child’s teacher”.   Most of the time, Kiddom is not necessary to access any RMS school assignments. Students can go straight to Jupiter Ed to find assignment information. Your child’s teacher will let them know if it is necessary to access Kiddom at any time throughout the year.
    • ONLINE TEXTBOOKS will be available through Clever – they are finishing the setup process right now.
    • IREADY- math resource that aligns with RCS middle school textbook
    • If a login box pops up, choose ACTIVE DIRECTORY button and enter the student’s email address and email/computer password in the login boxes.
      • Ex: If Tony Stark's username is tstark1234, his username in email format is
        If you get an incorrect username error, most are due to mis-typings in the bolded areas.


**if students are prompted for a password reset, they should enter their initials+lunch number/library number for the new password. 

Ex:  If Tony Stark’s username is tstark1234 and his current password (which is his lunch number/library number) is 9876543, he would change is password to ts9876543

For tips using above resources and troubleshooting tips: RMS Website>STUDENTS>Student Links and Resources.